What do our coaches do to retain talent:
Improve organizational culture & communication:
Miscommunications cost the average business ~$4200 per employee in direct losses. The number increases drastically the more senior the employee.
Employees that work in environments that lack good interpersonal communication are 4.5 times more likely to leave.
44% of the time miscommunication is listed as the reason a project did not get completed or hit deadline
31% of people that have low employee morale blame poor communication in the workplace
18% of sales are missed because of poor communication
The leaders communication within the organization drives team culture. MyOdisee coaches are the guidance behind getting employee buy-in. This includes communicate policies, procedures, ethics, values, employee behaviors, employee attitudes, and goals. We also act as a team "therapist" working out the challenges slowing down your employees

Red Flags of Poor Team Culture
Poor communication•Low production rates•Gossip around the office•High turnover rates•Your employees are always late or absent •Micromanaging• Low trust
Would you like MyOdisee to execute its FREE organizational culture scorecard with your team?
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A great team culture is one that is congruent with its actions and its words. Does the mission statement live in the employees hearts and minds? Are all the leaders on the same page with their communications? Does the team make decisions consistently in line with company values? Do teammates trust each other to do the work? Does the team listen to each other?
97% of employees believe that communication impacts their task efficiency on a daily basis
According to a McKinsey report, well connected teams see a productivity increase of 20-25%

MyOdisee takes a nuanced, relationship building approach that differentiates itself from others in the industry.
MyOdisee is a monthly subscription based model with no contracts
MyOdisee trains coaches in house who also have real world experience
MyOdisee is a leader in culture coaching

Creation and/or Communication of:
Vision and Mission statements
Company values
Company ethics
Team Coaching:
ICD (Interpersonal communication Development)
Talent retention
Team "therapist"
Accountability strategies
Problem solving
Communication thread between teams
High-conflict personality integration
Company Wide Implementations:
Business identity narratives
Congruence checks
Our Experienced Coaches Scope of Work:

Culture building is equal parts art and science

Why Culture is Important (Talent Retention Example)
Your team's culture is important in both hiring and retention. In a recent survey 72% of people said company culture was a major factor in their decision to work at a given company. Of the top 8 reasons somebody stays at a job, 6 of them are culture related! Studies show that the total cost of losing an employee can range from tens of thousands of dollars to 1.5-2X annual salary.